He sits in specialty wheelchair most of time, sometimes has feet up. Even lying in bed did not drain well for him. Leaked all over the place. He has stage 4 prostate cancer and well as new diagnosis of small cell carcinoma with new paraplegia. I’m at my wits end trying to find something that works.
The device is great as long as your not sleeping on your side. The issue I have is that the device leaks if you're sleeping on your side. Other than that the device does what it says it does. It's really a blessing to keep from having to get up every 10 minutes to go to the bathroom.
Great product! Works well to stay dry day/night. Would highly recommend it.
The kit was good I didn’t get it delivered to my house even after receiving an email that it had been delivered
Vastmedic External Male Urinary Catheter Kit - Penis Shrinkage
I am a T7 paraplegic since 2016. Incontinence with constant dribble has been a 24 hour problem. Started with pads. Self catheter every 3 hours. Got rid of pads for product that adhered to penis gland (head). Fantastic product for 4 years. Mfg recommended changing every 24 hours. In the 4th year the skin on the gland began to weaken and tear. Doctors call this ulcers because it extended through several layers of skin. I had ulcers everywhere the adhesive touched the gland on a regular basis. My problem was having a product that addressed the incontinence while medicating the ulcers. The Vastmedic External Male Urinary Catheter Kit is my solution. My urologist told me to purchase any OTC baby diaper rash product. Apply daily at every catheterization and bath. This product is medicated and waterproof. My ulcers healed in around 10 days. I am online today the purchase 2 additional kits giving me a backup set while one is being cleaned and the second while I travel for business and pleasure. I am still testing nighttime use. It is night 8 of 10 and I am still dry! I would not wish my ulcer issue on any...friend. It sure beats being miserable with incontinence and skin issue.
He turns over at night and then it doesn’t work. Need some kind of glue to stick it to the skin a little bit so that it would stay attached to the skin
Vastmedic external urinary catheter for male Vastmedic Urinary Catheter Kit consists of a silicone catheter, tubing, urinal,...
Vastmedic External Female Urinary Catheter Kit Vastmedic Urinary Catheter Kit consists of a silicone catheter, tubing,...
Vastmedic Reusable Urinary Drainage Bags are designed to be reused over a period of months. The...
He sits in specialty wheelchair most of time, sometimes has feet up. Even lying in bed did not drain well for him. Leaked all over the place. He has stage 4 prostate cancer and well as new diagnosis of small cell carcinoma with new paraplegia. I’m at my wits end trying to find something that works.
The device is great as long as your not sleeping on your side. The issue I have is that the device leaks if you're sleeping on your side. Other than that the device does what it says it does. It's really a blessing to keep from having to get up every 10 minutes to go to the bathroom.
Great product! Works well to stay dry day/night. Would highly recommend it.
The kit was good I didn’t get it delivered to my house even after receiving an email that it had been delivered
Vastmedic External Male Urinary Catheter Kit - Penis Shrinkage
I am a T7 paraplegic since 2016. Incontinence with constant dribble has been a 24 hour problem. Started with pads. Self catheter every 3 hours. Got rid of pads for product that adhered to penis gland (head). Fantastic product for 4 years. Mfg recommended changing every 24 hours. In the 4th year the skin on the gland began to weaken and tear. Doctors call this ulcers because it extended through several layers of skin. I had ulcers everywhere the adhesive touched the gland on a regular basis. My problem was having a product that addressed the incontinence while medicating the ulcers. The Vastmedic External Male Urinary Catheter Kit is my solution. My urologist told me to purchase any OTC baby diaper rash product. Apply daily at every catheterization and bath. This product is medicated and waterproof. My ulcers healed in around 10 days. I am online today the purchase 2 additional kits giving me a backup set while one is being cleaned and the second while I travel for business and pleasure. I am still testing nighttime use. It is night 8 of 10 and I am still dry! I would not wish my ulcer issue on any...friend. It sure beats being miserable with incontinence and skin issue.
He turns over at night and then it doesn’t work. Need some kind of glue to stick it to the skin a little bit so that it would stay attached to the skin
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