Sleep Quality And Cancer

Sleep Quality And Cancer

We all know that sleep is a necessity of every living object. Sleep is not a basic thing we need to make sure we are having a sufficient, complete and quality sleep. Many studies are directly linking sleep quality to the risks of having cancer. 

Sleep is the time that our body heals, cell repairs, and a lot of things concerning our body possessing normal functions. On the other hand, cancer is a group of diseases involving abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body. Poor quality of sleep affects hormones that influence cancer cells to generate. Hormones released by the brain such as cortisol and melatonin are affected by the amount of sleep you get and cortisol is related to stress and typically peaks at dawn, after hours of sleep, and declines throughout the day. It helps regulate the immune system including the release of certain “natural killer” cells that help the body battle cancer.

One more study says that there is some evidence of a link between insufficient sleep and the risk of cancer. In particular, to those people with circadian rhythm disorders; in which the body's biological clock is disrupted because shift work may be at increased risk. 

Journal Cancer had a study with women with irregular work schedules, late-night shifts and the rate of breast cancer. Researchers compared 1200 women who had developed breast cancer between 2005 and 2008, with 1300 women who did not have a cancer diagnosis. They found that the rate of breast cancer was 30 percent higher for the women who had worked shifts. Women who had at least four years of night shift work, as well as those with fewer than three-night shifts per week (keeping them from ever fully adjusting to one schedule), were at the highest risk. 

Cancer patients suffer from a variety of sleep disorders because of stress and even the result of all the treatment they are going up to.  And doctor’s advice is given to current cancer patients as well as those who want to lower their risk of developing cancer: make good sleep, nutrition, exercise and stress management a part of your daily routine. 

There is much more research that needs to be done on the direct connections between sleep quality and development of cancer but just like what the doctors said (sleep connected to cancer or not) is a vital part of sustaining our life so make sure you practice to have the best quality.


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