Sleep-Related Breathing Disorder On Children: Mechanisms and Predisposing Factors

Sleep-Related Breathing Disorder On Children: Mechanisms and Predisposing Factors

Children’s sleep quality is normally the standard of good sleep. Children can normally sleep instantly or less time right after hitting the bed for a comfortable sleep. Their sleep efficiency (time asleep/time in bed) is high (greater than 90 percent). There can be some behavioral arousals during the night, and the child awakens in the morning refreshed and ready to learn and play. 

Children don’t usually experience day time sleepiness and they are very alert and active after waking up. For younger children, a certain frequency of napping is normal and expected. Sleep-related breathing disorders in children occur along a spectrum of severity, ranging from primary snoring on the mild end of the spectrum to obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) on the serious end of the spectrum.

Snoring, day time sleepiness and no energy is not normal for children. They may be experiencing OSA and proper evaluation and diagnosis should be done by a doctor. The welfare and health of our children are our priority as parents. Instilling good sleeping habits at the earliest stage and age as we can is very important for the development and long-term well-being of all children.

According to studies, 30% of the children are experiencing sleep disorders that vary on severity and age. These sleep problems interfere with health, safety, school performance and also impacts the family and sets our children up for chronic and serious health problems in the future. Teaching our children the proper sleeping habits like time to sleep, naps, no gadgets during sleep time can help them avoid these disorders that can hinder their daily lives as well as development.


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