Sleep Breathing Disorders: List & Overview

Sleep Breathing Disorders: List & Overview

Sleep breathing disorders or sleep-disordered breathing are characterized by abnormal respiration during sleep. There are various of diseases that can cause an obstruction on breathing while you are sleeping, here are they:

  • Sleep Apnea is the most common type of sleep breathing disorder and sub-divided on the different focused aspects:
      • Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Frequent snoring and even causing choking noises while sleeping is the most common symptom of this. It happens because it causes you to stop breathing during sleep due to obstructions in the airway.
  • Central Sleep Apnea: CSA occurs because your brain doesn't send proper signals to the muscles that control your breathing. This condition is different from obstructive sleep apnea, in which you can't breathe normally because of upper airway obstruction. Central sleep apnea is less common than obstructive sleep apnea.
  • Child Sleep Apnea: This is an OSA on children, children tend to breathe in shallow motions instead of stopped breathing. They may sleep in unusual positions like sitting up or with the neck overextended. Children with OSA tend to breathe normally when they are awake. But it is common for them to breathe through the mouth. They may have frequent infections of the upper respiratory tract. Some children with OSA have such large tonsils that they have a hard time swallowing.
  • Infant Sleep Apnea It involves reductions and pauses in breathing that occur during an infant’s sleep. There may be an instance of partial and complete pauses. The apneas in infant sleep apnea may be central, obstructive or mixed. Central apneas occur when your body decreases or stops its effort to breathe

  • Snoring: Snoring is loud noisy breathing you make while sleeping. Snoring happens when you can’t move air freely through your nose and throat during sleep. This makes the surrounding tissues vibrate, which produces the familiar snoring sound. People who snore often have too much throat and nasal tissue or “floppy” tissue that is more prone to vibrate. The position of your tongue can also get in the way of smooth breathing.

  • Sleep Related Groaning:  This is also called cathathernia consisting of end-inspiratory apnea (breath-holding) and expiratory groaning during sleep. This occurs when you make a prolonged sound that resembles groaning while you exhale during sleep. It is fairly rare and more common in men.

  • Any sleep breathing disorder needs serious medical attention and shouldn’t be ignored. In case you are advised to use CPAP for treatment you can check it at VastMedic, they also offer accessories and sanitizer and cleaner.


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